5. John Stephen Akhwari in Mexico
Momo Walde won the marathon gold in the high altitude of Mexico city in 1968. One hour later, a little known Tanzanian runner, John Stephen Akhwari entered the Olympic stadium – the last man to do so. Wounded after a fall and carrying a dislocated knee, he hobbled up to the track for for one last surge to the finish. He then retired to a thunderous applause by a small crowd which was lucky enough to get a glimpse of this gallant champion. It was later written of his perseverance – ‘Today we have witnessed a young African runner who symbolizes the finest in the human spirit. A performance that gives true dignity to sport – a performance which lifts sports out of the category of grown men playing in games.’ But Akhwari was far more modest. When asked why he did not quit, he replied,’My country did not send me 5000 miles to start the race. They sent me 5000 miles to finish the race.’
4. Black power and a sympathetic Australian
An image which even if you saw a thousand times, spoke to your heart in so profound a manner that it embodied the spirit of the times. The image is that of Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising a hand covered in a black glove with Peter Norman donning the Olympic Project for Human Rights badge. It will be remembered as the most iconic image of protest at the Olympic games, but all three of them were ostracized after. It was only years later that their act was to be recognized as a demonstration for dignity. It’s one of those moments when sport ceases to be just sport- it assumes the task of being a vehicle of change and progress.
3. Derek Redmond personifies the word ‘Courage’
A career plagued by injuries, Derek Redmond arrived at Barcelona with an eye on the gold medal. It wasn’t to be. With 175 meters to go in his 400 meters semifinal he pulled his hamstring. The dream had ended it seemed. Not for Redmond though. The succeeding events are etched in the minds of millions. Crying he stands up again, only to try to finish on one leg. His father watching from the sidelines joins him with words of comfort – “We’ll finish together”.’ Strength is measured in pounds. Speed is measured in seconds. Courage? You cant measure courage’, were the words used by the IOC to promote the Olympic movement by the act of perseverance. But for Derek Redmond, it was the only plausible thing to do.
2. Luz Long and Jesse Owens embrace in Berlin
1. Ali lights the Olympic flame

At last he emerged from the background. A body weathered by Parkinson’s but the mind astute as ever. Shivering he lit the flame. No other sportsman in the history of sport had meant so much to so many as Muhammad Ali. For the dignity of the man was consummate – never relinquishing ideals for money or fame, Ali was the people’s champion – the underdog in sport and life. “They didn’t tell me who would light the flame, but when I saw it was you, I cried” said Bill Clinton. He wasn’t the only one.
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